District Energy Profile

A comprehensive database on Ghana’s energy profile at the district level, indicating the indigenous energy resources and energy utilisation in the various districts, is essential for national development. The existence of such information will assist in the development of the necessary strategies for the enhancement of the country’s energy security and the effective implementation of the district level programmes as well as other government developmental initiatives. This district energy mapping tool is interactive and includes resource data on solar, wind, mini hydro and crop residue at the district level. This portal also contains projected demand for fuel used in the residential sector. These fuels include firewood, charcoal, electricity, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

District Energy Profiles
Regions and Districts

Region and District Map

Region and District Map of Ghana

Energy Resources and Power Plants Locations (Solar, wind, mini hydro sites, crop residue)

Solar, Wind and Mini Hydro Resource Map

Solar Radiation, wind speed and potential hydro sites map

Crop Production and Residue Map

District Crop reside map of Ghana

Map Showing Power Plants Locations

Power Generation Plants Locations

Residential Energy Demand (Electricity, LPG, Charcoal, Firewood)

Energy Demand and Access Rate Map

Projected District Energy Demand Map

Maps on Major charcoal Production Centres

Maps on Major charcoal Production Centers

Energy Services (LPG and gasoline outlets, Transmission lines)